ISBN: 978-1-77840-044-5

BENEATH THE SURFACE OF THINGS, Wade Davis, Greystone Books Vancouver/Berkeley/London

13 Essays, brilliant geschrieben, von

Wade Davis, geboren 1953, kanadischer Kulturanthropologe, Ethnobotaniker, Professor für Anthropologie und Inhaber des BC Lehrstuhls „Cultures and Ecosystems at Risk“ an der University of British Columbia, Fotograf und  Schriftsteller (Bestseller „The Serpent and the Rainbow“, 1985, über die Zombies von Haiti).

Dieses Buch ist für jedermann – ob politisch links oder rechts orientiert, alt oder jung, hochgebildet, oder etwas weniger gebildet wie der Herausgeber der Tribüne!

„Wade Davis has a gift for saying the unsayable. He’s a fearless explorer in the intellectual world, as in the physical. His refusal to embrace conventional wisdom on climate change, for exanple, and instead think through the issue for himself, is a model of independent thinking. Even when I disagree with Wade, as with some of his bleak comments aubout the United States, I’am grateful for his voice. We usually live on the surface of ideas when we talk about issues such as war and racism; Wade takes it deeper.“ David Ignatius, Washington Post foreign affairs columnist